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Fotobounce - Organize Photos.

Fotobounce, a free (but ad-supported) app is designed to help shake the dust and 
cobwebs off your digital photo collection, by organizing and helping you share your photos. Recently updated to version 3.1, it now offers more control over just how
you share those photos. Like earlier versions, this one offers some pretty nifty features, but also suffers from a few glitches.

Once installed, Fotobounce will find your photos in the locations to which you 
direct the app. The company says its organization features are "people-centric" 
and, as such.

The app's key feature is :-
* Face Recognition Technology. It's designed to learn to recognize the faces that
appear in your photos--with a little training, of course. It automatically finds 
faces in your photos, and you can tag people to identify them. Once you start 
tagging people, Fotobounce is supposed to learn their identities, and should begin 
identifying them for you.

Fotobounce allows you to share your photos in several different ways:-
*You can connect the app to your Facebook or Flickr accounts to upload your photos
or albums, and it will keep your tags intact. When you link Fotobounce to your 
Facebook account, it willimport a list of your friends and allow you to tag them 
directly in any photos in your Fotobounce library.

In addition, the app allows you to share photos directly with friends via a private 
peer-to-peer connection that the company likens to "Skype for photos." To do this, 
you send invitations to people you'd like to add as "Bouncers"; they, in turn, have
to install Fotobounce on their computers in order to see your photos.

Also new in version 3.1 is a feature called Fotomail. This lets you send photos from
your mobile device right to your Fotobounce account. It works by assigning you a 
specific Fotomail e-mail address, and is easy to use. It's a handy way to get the
full-resolution photos from your mobile device added to your photo library.

For downloading Fotobounce CLICK HERE.

More Live TV Links for VLC

Hey friends i comes once again with more workable TV links.To know how to play Live TV on VLC then see my post "Watch Live TV on VLC".

                        <STAR NEWS>      rtsp://

                                  <ZOOM>        rtsp://



                      <ETV BANGLA>       rtsp://

                 <STAR ANANDA>       rtsp://

                         <STAR ONE>      rtsp://

All link are tested by me.proof of testing is also see by you in the pictures above.If any of the links 
doesn't work properly then report me.

Turn PC Into a Real 3D Multi-Touch Desktop

The way a Windows desktop behaves, has not been changed since thirteen years.
Its all the same, rough and rigid icons lying dumbly at the cold desktop. Now is the
time you can give your desktop a little extra. Bring your desktop to real 3 Dimensional life like. Arrange icons in a pile or groups.It takes just a few clicks or your finger movements to do with all the data at your desktop to arrange it in the way you want
 it in a real 3D environment.BumpTop was bought by Google on May 2010

BumpTop is a fun, intuitive 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you
more productive.Like a real desk, but better. Now with awesome mouse and multi-touch gestures,you will experience your desktop as never before. Your desktop doesn’t have to be a boring graveyard for lost and forgotten files anymore! 
Transform it with BumpTop. Before install this first check your graphics 
driver is install on your computer or not?If your graphics driver is not install then BumpTop is not working.
Create the desktop that suits your needs and style.It is also available for MAC and Linux versions also. 
If you like original desktop environments and don’t care that much about usability, BumpTop is pretty much the best you can get.
Best Features:-  1. Very Intuitive
                               2. Impressive Design
                               3. Customizable Appearance
                              4. Icons behaves like real-life Objects