You know what is IP address?
- IP stnads for "Internet Protocol".You know that every computer and online devices got different protocol for different device/computer.Each computer have a unique Protocol address.This IP addresses are given by assigned number.Assigned number is a authority which gives that.
Why IP address is Rquired?
- It require due to know the computer.How can mail be transfer and from which route.This all phenomenon is known by you only when you know the IP address of any computer/device.This is the one of the most possible and easy way to reach to that device/computer.

IP address.
- Internet protocol version 4(IPv4) is first started from 1980.First time when it makes then it is only 4.3million.They think this is much in number then it is never been full. Because they think,the number of computer user can never use in such amount.But this time the number of user will be increase rapidly.At that time IPv4 is fullfill.That reason All the big companies felt in trouble like Google,IBM,Microsoft.Then they are decided to launch IPv6.Now taht time IPv6 is running.This is the Internet protocol version 6.
IPv4 contains the pairs of 4 addresses like But in case of IPv6 version it contains 8pairs number.Now that time predicts that it is not full by any situation because it is in umber of address is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456.IPv6 is taht much of amount that reason they are write to thinking that it is not possible to fullfill that much amount.
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