OrangePixel's upcoming retro platformer called StarDash which would be heading to Android. Well we now have an official release date for StarDash which is September 22nd.Orange Pixeldecided to do something huge: develop a phone game the way it believed the publisher would if it ever bothered to enter the sector.
StarDash is OrangePixel's answer to the question of how Nintendo's games would look on an Android device, specifically GameBoy titles.Using gameboy style graphics and sounds for extra memories of old-school running and jumping. It’s a little experiment to see if I could create such a game in the way the big N would do it. A lot of care has been put in the level-design and the simplicity of it all.
The game is now completed on both Android and iPhone !
Gameboy is consumed with Wii U and 3DS right now, so the chance that they’ll release any of their old school classics on Android any time soon is very small.
Orange Pixel has incorporated some newer game mechanics in StarDash, such as three star ranking per level and special unlockable temple levels (find the hidden keys). This Android game comes with three worlds consisting of 9 levels and 1 hidden temple level, making it 30 levels in total.
Stardash, a super simplistic and obviously retro-inspired platform game, is the end result of this experiment.
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